Sunday, 27 April 2008

Neurologists appointment

My appointment went really well. I did chicken out of asking about the VNS as I don't think I could go through with surgery so I didn't see the point.

Before I even had chance to say hello he said he was sorry to hear I had had more seizures. I felt quite reassured at this as he had clearly looked up my notes and received an update from my GP as to my situation. It is great to speak to the same person all the time as they know your case and you don't have to start from scratch every time.

I told him I was sure I had forgotten my tablets after checking tech cupboard . He advised I could start to take a second tablet - sodium valporate or if I was sure I had forgotten tablet I could wait and see what happens as if I don't forget any more tablets this may not happen again. He did point out that it was probably more than forgetting the tablet and it could have been a number of things: such as lower dosage in my system plus being tired or stressed, or just unlucky.

I am not keen to take epilim again as I have taken it before and it made me feel quite drowsy. It is also recommended not to take this whilst pregnant. As we have not decided whether to have another child - so we haven't ruled out another in the future, I don't want to take it and then have to go through the rigmarole of changing tablets again.

We were worried that when I have breakthrough fits now I seem to have two or three in quick succession rather than just one, which was the old pattern.

I have therefore been given Clobazam (please excuse the spelling). Basically if I have another breakthrough fit I take this tablet straight away and it is a bit like a top up and should stop me having any more. I take a couple more over the next 24 hours whilst carrying on with my normal medication. After that the risk should be over. I have a couple in my purse in case I am out and some in the kitchen cupboard for if I am at home. It might make me quite drowsy but I am usually drowsy anyway so I guess I will just be even more sleepy.

I have another check up in 6 months time.

I was really pleased with the appointment. The Consultant is really approachable and I don't feel rushed to leave the room. He always asks both myself and Matthew if we have any more questions at the end of the appointment and I know that if I have any problems he will take calls from my GP and provide emergency advice to her if he cannot see me straight away.

Anyway touch wood I will be fit free for a while. I am trying not to feel too sorry for myself about it but since becoming pregnant they have been more frequent and I know them being months apart probably sounds, to some with more frequent fits like I am lucky but I always get to the point where I think I am back to how I used to be and that I might be getting to the point where it will be a few years before I have another and then wham, I have another and feel like I am back to square one.

Still I refuse to be maudlin and have lots of other things to be grateful for.

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