Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Well nothing much has happened since I got back form holidays. I, thankfully, have not had another seizure since the one t the start of my holidays. Touch wood that will be it for a while and the medication is now working. I have started taking the higher dose and am hoping that this now does the trick.

We are obviously still concerned that if it is not controlled that I may be carrying Rhiannon and am anxious to make sure my medication is definitely working now. I don't want to return to work until this is sorted. It will be stressful enough going back to work and leaving Rhiannon without worrying about having more fits too.

I did a phone interview for the Weekly News yesterday to help promote the Ideal World for Women Campaign. I spoke to nice reporter called Russell. We had a chat for about half an hour about the Blog, my experiences and the campaign. Hopefully the article will be OK. I am a bit nervous about interviews. The radio ones were quite scary but at least they are done after the phone call. I have to wait for the article to come out in print to see how I cam across.

I hope that the blog and the odd interviews helps either the campaign or someone effected by epilepsy.

Rhiannon has found her hands in the last week and is taking great joy at staring at them and talking in baby language to them. This is proving far more entertaining than anything I could watch on TV at the moment. I don't know what I did with my time before she came a long. I could watch her all day.I think I have the most beautiful, clever baby in the world. Now I suspect most parents think that - though in my case I am sure it is true.

Well that is it for now.



Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa

I read the article on you in the Daily Echo. I also am coping with epilepsy and motherhood. My daughter, Eve, is 11 months. I found pregnancy agreed with me and my brain but since, my fits have been worse than ever. I have started on a new drug Zonisamide but I think it it actually making me worse. This is 1 of 3 drugs I'm on, I don't know about you but sometimes I feel more like a pill bottle than a woman, as I rattle so much. Luckilly Eve is a very contented baby, it's almost as if she knows how I need her to be. Sometimes though I find myself apologising to her for being me and having these "strange ways". Like you said though when you look at your beautiful, healthy baby it makes everything better and can brighten up the darkest day.

I read I bit of your blog on consultants - don't get me started - I have had 11 years of doctors and medication and I even have a machine in me - a Vagal Nerve Stimulator. I am getting to the end of a very long list of medications. You mentioned Keppra, I was on that in 2005 before I got pregnant but had to come off it if I wanted to become pregnant as it wasn't "compatible" with being pregnant but the 2 other drugs I was on were. I can't remember having any bad things to say about Keppra, I just don't think it changed things much in me when I was on it to when I wasn't.

It is good to have a woman speak out for a change about Epilepsy and how it can effect preganancy and motherhood. Good on you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
Congratulations to you both, I also have a little baby girl born in may this year called matilda and I am also epileptic and live with my ptnr. I am on tegretol retard 1600mg daily and topiramite 200mg daily, I also have a vagal nerve stimulator that has been in place since 2005 , and has reduced my seizures by 50%. I still have seizures daily and caring for my daughter is just that I'm constantly aware of all the dangers and lowering the risks. she is a happy and healthy girl and quite laid back. I always care for her on the floor, when she naps, she naps on the floor or in a play pen dwnstrs so im not going up and dwn the strs. But the most important thing in our lives is that when i go out with the pram I strap myself to the pram so if I fall and I have in the past the pram stops dead. Its called a deadmans handle and a charity called REMAP will come out and fit it to your pram. I wldn't be without it now, its given me confidence to go out to places I wldnt and knwing that my ptnr knws that were safe. good luck.

Lisa said...

To Michelle,

Thank you for your comments. It's nice to know there are other people out there who are in similar circumstances and have had similar frustrations with tablets/medication. I am still not convinced mine are working but I guess it is a case of wait and see.

Thanks for your support.


Lisa said...

Hi Joedy,

Thanks for your comments. I will be looking up the REMAP to see if they can do anything with my pushchair.

WE seem to be doing similar stuff when caring for our babies. It is nice to know someone else out there is strapped to their push chair. I sometimes feel a little mad wandering around town with the pushchair tied to my wrist.

It is interesting to see you were taken off a tablet considered incompatible with pregnancy and I was put onto it about the same time because it was compatible. One day the consultants may sing from the same hymn sheet!!

thanks again for your comments.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Hi Joedy

It is was good to hear both your expereiences. Joedy - thanks for letting me know about REMAP, I called them the same day I read your comment on Lisa's blog and they are going to fit a dead lock on my buggy. It is something I need and I like you said it also gives our famileis piece of mind.

I think lisa, what you are doing trying to highlight women and epilepsy in brilliant.

Ladies if you fancy getting in touch with me, it would be great to hear from you my email is

Hopefully I might hear from you both soon.
