Sunday, 21 October 2007

Back from Holidays

Well we got back form our holidays yesterday. It didn't start too well as I had a fit on Saturday morning before we left. I managed to bang my shoulder on the corner of the computer table and it still hurts now. We risked it and set off in the afternoon and thankfully I was fine throughout the holiday. We have decided to take the Neurologists advice and increase my dose of medication. I am really hoping that will put an end to the seizures as they are becoming too regular at the moment to be considered break through seizures which is causing both Matthew and myself quite a lot of anxiety.

I am also concerned that I might have one whilst carrying Rhiannon, which is really scary. I try to do as much as possible to reduce any risks to her, like not carrying her up and down the stairs, I don't bath her and I strap the push chair handles to me so I cannot loose the buggy if I have one in the street but it is still worrying. Before I had her I only had the odd break through seizure every through years, so we thought the risk would be minimal. At the moment it feels like I am a bit out of control.


We rented a cabin whilst on holiday which was nice as it was all on one floor. This was fab because it meant I didn't have to rely on Matthew to carry Rhiannon up and down stairs and I could put her to bed for afternoon naps rather than her sleeping in the living room. I have decided I need to live in a bungalow. As I can't afford a mortgage on a house a bungalow is unfortunately way beyond my reach so I will have to keep buying the lottery tickets on a Saturday and hoping for a miracle.

WE have a lovely holiday. My parents came with us and kindly babysat on a couple of days so I could go fell walking with Matthew. This was fab. I haven't been walking since the Spring so I really enjoyed getting out into the fresh air.

I came back to find some comments on my blog, so I now need to make sure I reply to them all.


Anonymous said...

I'm have a few questions regarding your pregnancy. Was it planned? Did you discuss medication, side effects and the risk of pregnancy with epilepsy with somebody? Did you have any undesired effects changing from one drug to another?

I'm 17 and have complex partial. I know I'm a long way off having children but I'm already worrying about having to come off medication (lamotrigine, 200mg pd) before the pregnancy and what would happen if I were to fall pregnant unexpectedly. I can't seem to find much information on pregnancy and lamotrigine, even on the Epilepsy Action website apart from the incidence of abnormalities (5.4% in my case).

Thanks, Abigail

Lisa said...

Dear Abigail,

I am a bit like you. I like to know well in advance so that I have all the information to hand and then you can make an informed decision or have a plan of action for the future.

Yes the pregnancy was planned. I had a break through seizure whilst on EPILIM CHRONO (pre pregnancy). When I was referred to the Neurologist to review my medication we mentioned that we were hoping to start a family in the future and agreed at that point to change my medication as EPILIM is known to have higher risks of SPINA BIFIDA. I don't think Lamotrogine or KEPPRA were about when I was diagnosed in 1987.

It might make you feel better to know that Lamotrogine was the first tablets they tried to change me to as these were considered safer for pregnancy in addition to taking 5mg per day of folic acid (prescribed as it was a higher dose than non epileptics buy at the chemist). Unfortunately Lamotrogine did not agree with me and the side effects I had on it meant we tried KEPPRA instead.

KEPPRA is quite a new medication so there is not as much information yet as to side effects or birth complicaitons but the info gathered so far is not showing anything out of the ordinary. My daughter was born happy and healthy. My epilepsy was not an issue in labour.

I guess when changing medication there is always going to be a possibility of breakthrough seizures, that the tablets don't agree or that they don't control it.

You might find by the time you want to start a family that there is more research, statistics gathered and your tablet may be given the thumbs up or there may be safer options out there.

You need to be careful looking up information as you can terrify yourself. One of the side effects of my medication is becoming psychotic and this has not happened yet.

You tend to find most of the articles you will find tell you all about what can go wrong and there is little written about what is good about a medication. Were you not to take the medication in pregnancy and have a seizure you could do more damage to yourself and baby than by taking the tablets.

I would suggest that the next time you see your GP or Neurologist that you raise the questions about unplanned pregnancy. Remember that it is an increased risk. If you didn't take the tablets there would still be a risk. I guess it is a case of risk management. Whilst looking up info yourself is a good place to start I would take your research to the experts and get them to discuss it until you are satisfied with the answers. If they don't want to discuss it or the possibility of a surprise pregnancy ask to see someone who will make time. Don't let anyone fob you off if you are worried.

Hope this helps. If you have any more questions let me know.

